Open Letter to the Air

Now nobody knew quite what to make of him or quite what to think, but there he was and in he walked.

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Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


The Story of the Summer - the Stolen Sidekick. I've been amazed by this little on-line saga because it shows us yet another new facet in the power of the Internet. This time, it has been used to help bring a petty thief and her accomplices to justice. A stolen item has been returned to its rightful owner.

Taking advantage of the massive attention this little lost device garnered, the owner opted to put it up for auction on eBay with proceeds going to a charity helping children and single mothers. (The way this guy has handled himself despite the favorable media attention has been very admirable.)

The auction went up on July 7th, and I was expecting that this story was about to come to a close. It was such a gripping story though, that I was in a way sad to see it end. Instead it appears Evan has a new chapter to write.

It turns out the winning bidder is a fake. Of all the things to happen to this guy. I'm just as amazed as he is. He's so tenacious however, that he's actually tracked down and made contact with the people who supposedly placed the winning bid. They have given him a variety of excuses why they shouldn't be held responsible for the payment they are contractually obliged to make (wrong number, my 14 year-old son did it, I left the computer on and one of my roommates made the bid.) It's as if Sasha has reappeared in the UK to give poor Evan another go. The blog is beginning to resemble "Cuckoo's Egg".

He says he's going to contact the penultimate bidder and see if he can work with eBay on a workaround, but I hope that he also makes good on his threat to once again use the power of the Internet to publicly expose, humiliate and bring to justice these British bozos who have decided to defraud the Stolen Sidekick Auction and charity fundraiser.

Go get 'em, Evan.



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