Open Letter to the Air

Now nobody knew quite what to make of him or quite what to think, but there he was and in he walked.

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Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

What "They" Did

I have been hearing some pundits say, "he's done it." Obama has accomplished the unthinkable. I just don't buy it. I don't think "he" did much but sound good in front of a teleprompter. It's the "they" behind him that worries me. What They did is shocking when taken in as a whole.

Here's how it breaks down as I see it:

Obama went to a liberal university where the curriculum is guided predominately by left-leaning professors and the remnants of the Woodstock-era anti-government radicals like the domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

After soaking in this environment for his college years, he settled in Chicago where he came under the wing of powerful, corrupt political supporters like the convict Tony Rezko.

He joined a church headed by "reverend" Wright who preaches black liberation theology, castigating the United States for past offenses and spreading white hatred and a deep antipathy for the nation. He stayed there for 20 years.

He and his wife spent evenings at dinner with Rashid Khalidi - a known supporter of the PLO terrorist organization and outspoken anti-Israel zealot. Obama spoke highly of the man at a dinner celebrating him before he left Chicago for New York.

During this time in Chicago, Obama developed programs that moved money around in a shell game dominated by "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" conniving which robbed the schools they were pretending to help of millions of dollars.

Under the guidance and mentorship of these types of people as well as several other less inflammatory but no less liberal figures, They helped Obama become an Illinois senator. He launched his first campaign in the living room of unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. In the Illinois senate, one of his most noteworthy actions was to vote against a law that would provide emergency healthcare to living infants who survive an attempted abortion.

Later, They would help him become a U.S. senator where his only noteworthy accomplishment was a well-delivered speech given at the 2004 DNC that was written by someone else. Following that speech, Obama was quickly targeted to be among the candidates for the 2008 presidential race.

Early in the primaries, Obama pledged to accept public financing in the presidential campaign. McCain did likewise. After gaining the nomination, he went back on his word. McCain kept his promise. Obama's deceit allowed Them to raise more money than any presidential campaign in history. With this money, They mounted a PR campaign that could not be matched with public funding: the Mile High Stadium acceptance speech, the 30-minute infomercial on 7 television stations, the enormous stage constructed well in advance in anticipation of the Nov 4 victory speech.

The rhetoric he was given to read was full of buzz words like "hope" and "change" but lacked anything resembling substance. When he strayed from the teleprompter, what leaked out were the fundamental principles of Marxism and Socialism that were drummed into his head by his liberal college professors. His tax plans sounded like a redistributionist's dream while his new spending programs appeared to be funded out thin air. He opposed energy independence. He opposed a secret ballot in unions. He preferred the good opinion of godless European peaceniks over hard working Americans who "cling to their guns and religion".

His first promised act as president would be to sign the Freedom of Choice act - an Orwellian bill that will prevent sovereign states from being free to choose what their own laws will be concerning abortion. He confessed that he doesn't want his own daughters "punished" with a baby they don't want. He favors euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. In short, he is the staunch supporter of every culture of death issue.

On the verge of nuclear war in the Middle East, Obama promised to reduce military funding, slow the growth of our military, and withdraw our troops from the Iraqi theater nearly guaranteeing increased danger to American citizens and allies. Joe Biden warned the country that Obama would be "tested", suggesting that American civilian lives will have to be lost before the country will know what his response to Islamic terrorism will or will not be.

Above all of this, the print, television, cable, music and film industries all coalesced into a deafening propaganda machine. Month after month after month They saturated the culture with "Bush Lied People Died", dug up dirt (some real, some contrived) on conservative politicians, and hid or concealed dirt (all real) on liberal politicians. Republican gaffes were above-the-fold news items for days at a time while liberal gaffes were buried or never printed.

Republicans in movies and television were always made to look ridiculous, "big business" to look corrupt, and our military to look untrustworthy. In another historical first, a fictionalized biographical movie was produced about the sitting president making him look like a fool. Slogans like "8 Is Enough" were used to suggest McCain and Palin were no different than the "dimwitted" President Bush.

Nightly TV "journalists" professed a "thrill" going up their leg and other less obvious but no less biased confessions of preference in an unprecedented manipulation of public opinion by the media. Foreign media celebrities injected their own liberal opinions into the national discourse, ridiculing McCain and Palin, even pleading with the country to elect Obama. More opinion polls were conducted this year than in the last two presidential races combined. The media selectively reported only those polls that favored Obama. Obama has been featured on the cover of more magazines (and more frequently on some) than any other presidential candidate in history.

When asked tough questions by smaller media outlets or even by "Joe the Plumber" civilians, Democrats kicked them off their planes, conducted illegal background checks of civilians, and black-listed certain news agencies.

Financial policies enforced by Democrats - despite warnings by Republicans including McCain - caused a nearly catastrophic collapse of our national economy. The nation demanded to know who was at fault for this disaster, and the Democrats in concert with the liberal press, achieved the inconceivable. They blamed the Republicans. And - equally inconceivably - the public believed it.

On November 4th, our country - brainwashed by the media, driven by an irrational belief that the Republican party was destroying the country, and in an emotional desire to elect the first black president - put Obama in the White House.

He is a man who does not trust or perhaps even like our country as is stands today, who does not trust our military to act in our nation's interests, who is protected by a fawning media which is willing to attack any potential threat to his credibility, who wants to infiltrate our Constitution with Marxist ideas, who wants to destroy our free market economy and create a welfare state, and wants to appeal to a global community rather than the sovereign nation he wants to lead.

We don't know who he will appoint to fill the nearly 3,000 presidential appointments in our government. We don't know how any of those men and women will affect our schools, our economy, our national security, our healthcare, or our very lives. We don't know if his tax-and-spend plan will throw the US economy into the worst depression since the 1920's or not. We don't know what will happen to the cost of energy, houses or healthcare. We don't know what sort of judges he will appoint to the Supreme Court or what kind of decisions those judges may impose upon the country in the decades to come.

We don't know how he'll respond to an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel, or an North Korean invasion of South Korea, a Russian invasion of Poland, or a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. We don't know how he'll respond to the next terrorist attack on American soil. And we don't know how many people will die in any or all of these events. But the chances of any of them happening just increased ... thanks to Them.

Taken together, these things represent a frightening and dangerous precedent to our system of government: the biased control of the media, the manipulation of images for maximum emotional response, the suppression of opposing views, the "punishment" of success through higher taxes, the promotion of an ever-increasing welfare state, the consolidation of the military. These are the marks of the end of our Republic as we've known it for over 200 years.

If the next presidential or congressional race is to be won, the Republican candidate will have to acknowledge what McCain would not - it's not the Democratic candidate he (or she) will be running against, it's Them.

UPDATE 5/3/10 - A blogger in New Zealand has decided to take it upon himself to do the investigative work the Obama Press won't do. He has uncovered the trail of bread crumbs that connects President Obama with all sorts of really bad people - with "Them". The opening line of his most recent article summarizes what I've been writing about in my own blog:
"It is becoming increasingly clear that Barack Obama did not create a movement. A movement created Barack Obama."
The rest of the article is here.

UPDATE 8/19/11 - Nearly a full three years into this presidency we now see more clearly the choices Obama has made, the appointments, the legislation, the spending, the agenda. There are many who wish to give the President the benefit of the doubt, or simply assume he's incompetent. This would be more believable if he was acting alone from the White House to do what he has done. This article is a great (and horrifying) pulling-back of the curtain to reveal more of Them working silently behind the scenes enacting their agenda to unravel the fabric of our nation and sow the seeds of their revolution.
