Open Letter to the Air

Now nobody knew quite what to make of him or quite what to think, but there he was and in he walked.

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Location: Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A New Face (book)

My brother has found a way to get me to join Facebook - something I have kept at arm's length for as long as I've ever known of it (roughly 8 months, perhaps?). I think I just figured it was another "myspace" or an online cross between classmates and hotornot. But my brother has me convinced that I won't be subject to an endless stream of people asking me to be their online "buddies" or whatever, I won't be spammed, or flamed, or any other verbs that have been invented in the past decade I haven't learned yet, and anything I add to my profile will be kept private. So, I've sunk deeper into the digital age today.

My hope is that it will let me stay in better touch with my Midwest Family. And since they - through the link I provided on my Facebook page - can now find this blog I will take this opportunity to say Welcome!

I sometimes find myself really struggling to get any real work done because my mind has wandered off into some corner that I can't get out of. So I find this blog is a good way to sort out whatever I've been turning over in my head. Usually it's just to vent (or gush) over a movie that I have either just seen or am waiting to see. Sometimes I stray into religious or political topics. And yes, I tend to ramble on most of the time.

In any event, if you're new to the blog poke around and let me know what you think!


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